The Tale of Solomon Owl 🦉 P. 5

Solomon Owl thought he was being very kind by letting Benjamin Bat stay in his home, but Benjamin Bat did not trust him. When Solomon Owl woke up early feeling hungry, he looked for Benjamin but could not find him anywhere. He figured Benjamin must have left without even saying thank you. He can’t wait to see him again and find out why.

The Tale of Solomon Owl ? P. 4

Solomon Owl listened to Aunt Polly’s advice and didn’t eat for a whole week while bumping into trees to get rid of the wishbone. Now, he is going back to see if he is better. Aunt Polly checks him over, and he leaves very unhappy and hungry. She tells him he should not eat for another week, but he does not listen to what she has to say.

The Tale of Solomon Owl ? P. 3

Solomon Owl has decided to take Aunt Polly Woodchuck’s advice and try to get a chick to eat, but when he arrives at Farmer Green’s henhouse, there is a problem that he, Fatty Raccoon, or Tommy Fox cannot solve. They all chat about the best way to get what they want and even ask Jimmy Rabbit for help.

Bernice Spends The Day At Bobby’s House ?

It is summertime, and Bernice has been at Bobby’s house all day. They only had this day to play together before he heads off to summer camp for two whole weeks. Bernice feels like it will be forever before she sees him again. 

The Tale of Solomon Owl ? P. 2

Solomon Owl found Mr. Frog by the water and plans to eat him but Mr. Frog has other plans. Mr. Frog offers to make him a coat, for free, and so Solomon says yes. Mr. Frog quickly sews the coat and gives it to Solomon who looks at it strangely. When Solomon Owl asks why the coat doesn’t open in the front, or why it has a hood, Mr. Frog tells him it is the latest fashion and Solomon should just try it on. Solomon puts it on but it is not at all what he expected it to be.

Margaret and The Secret Soft Tree P.2 ?✨

Margaret is a sweet girl who always does what she is told. When she turns 8, she cannot wait to finally go to her friend Mary’s house by herself. On the way, a twig gets caught in her wheelchair tire, and she falls over, trying to stop herself by pushing on a tree, but the tree is not hard as she expected, and she gets sucked into a whole other world.

Margaret and The Secret Soft Tree is written by Jaime Lee Mann. Check out her Legend of Rhyme series at This wonderful series is suitable for middle-school-aged kids.

The Tale of Solomon Owl ? P. 1

This is a story about Solomon Owl. He lives in the woods, and his voice can be heard throughout the forest. Many of the animals are afraid of him and keep as far away as possible. Once he has found a tree to be his home, the others know which areas to avoid. When he meets Mr. Frog, Mr. Frog hopes he can sneak away. 

Margaret and The Secret Soft Tree ?✨

Margaret is a girl who always does as she is asked. It’s her birthday, and she is turning eight. Margaret is very excited because this is the day she gets to go to her friend Mary’s house all by herself. After breakfast, she starts on her way to Mary’s, but something magical happens.

Margaret and The Secret Soft Tree is written by Jaime Lee Mann. Check out her Legend of Rhyme series at This wonderful series is suitable for middle-school-aged kids.  

The Transfer Student P.16 ?

Red cannot believe what the note says. What could this mean? As the group eats their pizza, they decide what they are going to do to find out more about the note. As they try to figure out the clues, they come up with a name that leads them to the library.

Bernice Is Super Nervous ?

The day has arrived for the school play, and Bernice is super nervous. She can’t sleep even after trying her deep breathing exercises. She goes to Papa and Mama’s room to ask for help. Papa gets her back into bed, and she finally falls back to sleep. When Bernice gets home from school, she sits and tells Papa Bear all about her day and what happened at the play.

The Transfer Student P.15 ?

Red is at school, and it is her least favourite day with two English classes. Alexa told Red about the box that she found in her backyard, and they are all hoping to go over after school, open it up, and see what is inside. Will this be a new mystery for them to solve?

Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.10 ✨

Nicole and her Mother have gone to the garden together, and her mother cannot believe her eyes. When they walk through the gate and see what is on the other side, Nicole’s Mother is shocked. They look around and head back home to try and figure out what they just saw. As they sit in the kitchen talking about what was through the door and the garden, they come up with a plan for the next day.

Bernice Falls Off Her Bike ?

Bernice arrives home and spends some time telling Cookie about her day. Papa Bear tells her he is just finishing up their treats and to come on in. Bernice finishes talking to Cookie and walks in and tells Papa Bear she thinks she is going to need a few extra treats today and Papa Bear is surprised when he sees her.

The Transfer Student P.14 ?

Red is back and ready for a new adventure. She wakes up early after a bad dream and thinks she should get up and try to get into the bathroom before Blue but falls back asleep until she hears her mother calling. After breakfast she heads off to school with Charlie and Rachel. When they arrive Alexa asks if she can meet after school with the rest of them to check out what she found in her backyard.

Bernice’s Friends Are Going to Summer Camp ?

Bernice and Ethan walk home together from the bus and talk about the running they did. Bernice tells Ethan he can practice running with her and Bobby over the summer, but Ethan says he can’t because he’s going to camp. When Bernice enters her house, she tells Cookies about her day before going into the kitchen to talk to Papa Bear. Bernice tells Papa Bear about her day and says that it seems like a lot of her friends are going away over the summer.

Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.9 ✨

Nicole visited the attic to see what her Mother had been talking about. She found a journal belonging to her Great-grandfather and decided maybe it was time to tell her Mother about all the stuff that had been happening. Will her Mother believe her? Nicole tells her everything, and then they take a walk to the garden.

Puddles Meets Stinky The Skunk ???

Puddles and Splash are back with a new adventure. Things have been quiet on the Hampshire Farm, and Puddles and Splash like that. After letting the animals out, they get ready to take a walk around the farm and fields before joining Farmer Vernon to fix some fences. As they head over to the farmhouse to see what Farmer Vernon left as a treat for Puddles, they find a surprise in the garden. 

Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.8 ✨

When Nicole walked back through the garden, she heard her Mother calling her. When she arrived at the house, she smelled something amazing. As she and her mom discussed what Nicole had done all morning, they started talking about the history of the house, and Nicole’s mom mentioned a secret room.

Bernice Has A Strict Teacher ?

Bernice has a new teacher, and she thinks she is very strict. As she tells Papa Bear about her day and why she feels this way, they eat some new cookies. Bernice has some homework to do before dinner and hopes that the new teacher won’t be too angry with how she has done it.

Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.7 ✨

Nicole has gone through the door again and met Angus. Angus wonders where she went the day before, and they talk about the differences between their homes. Angus invites Nicole to come to his house and try some fresh milk, and they start walking.

Bunny Boo is Missing! ?

Ryan needs to stay home and look after his little sister, Zoe. He is older than Zoe and isn’t so happy about this. Zoe and Ryan eat dinner, and as she is getting ready for bed and he is playing video games, Zoe realizes that Bunny Boo, her rabbit, is missing. She cannot sleep without Bunny Boo, where could she be?

Bernice Has A Sleepover ?

The day of Gertrude’s party has finally arrived, and Bernice is super excited. When she gets home, she talks to Papa Bear a bit about her day and asks if she could sleep over at Gertrude’s house. Bernice hopes that Papa and Mama will say it is okay.

Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.6 ✨

Nicole could not believe what she saw when she walked through the door. It was her barn, but it was so new-looking. Meeting Angus was interesting but got her thinking. When she returned home to eat, she thought she’d be able to figure things out better on a full stomach. After lunch, she helped her mom while thinking about what she saw. When she woke up, she headed to the garden, thinking about her dream.

Margherita’s Midnight Snack Adventure ?

Libby arrives home soaked to the bone, and Margherita wants nothing to do with her. After she gets dried off, they sit together before dinner. Margherita receives her typical pizza dinner after Libby has finished eating, and after a while, they head off to sleep. When Libby wakes up with the moon shining in her eyes, she realizes Margherita is not in her room and looks for her. 

Bernice Loves Pizza Too ?

Bernice is excited about going to Gertrude’s party. She and Ethan talk about it as they walk home. Ethan says that he heard that Gertrude’s mom is ordering a lot of pizza, and they think it must be because Bobby is coming, and he loves pizza.

Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.5 ✨

Nicole cannot believe that her garden is growing. Every time she talks to the flowers and plants, they grow. When her mom wants her to leave the garden and go to town, she doesn’t want to until she hears there is ice cream and Wi-Fi.

Margherita’s Pizza Delivery Service ?

Libby and Margherita are back. Libby is enjoying school more but still wishes they could do more math. She has made some friends and enjoys spending time with them but Margherita is still the one she tells everything to. It’s Friday and that means pizza night but when mom gets Libby to come down for dinner there is a piece of pizza missing. Where could it have gone?

Bernice Gets Invited to Gertrude’s Party ?

Bernice has been invited to a birthday party. She tells Papa Bear about her day and mentions she has been invited to Gertrude’s bday party. Bernice says she can’t decide what to get her for a gift and she and Papa Bear talk about it.

Bernice Gets Her Eyes Checked ?

Bernice is back, and in this story, she will talk to Papa Bear about getting her eyes checked. Bernice is a little nervous about what might happen when she gets there because Bobby has been telling her stories again. Let’s see what Papa Bear has to say.

Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.3 ✨

Nicole has found the perfect place to plant the seeds she saw in the barn. She hopes they will grow into chocolate flowers or maybe gummy bear bushes. She heads off to bed, hoping that they will perhaps grow overnight. The next morning, the sun wakes Nicole very early, so she gets up and goes downstairs to eat. When she looks out the window, she cannot believe her eyes.

Peonie The Pink Rabbit ?

Peonie is a rabbit who is different from every other rabbit in the forest, which makes having friends difficult. She loves to play hide-and-seek and chase butterflies just outside of her home. One day, as she is heading to the stream, she sees something in the bushes and decides to check it out.

The Magical Book of Dreams P.31

Ester cannot believe it. She has finally made it to her father. After all this time, he is really here. Ester opens the door, and after they hug, they get ready to leave the castle. They head back out the way they came in, but there are so many of them now, and they are moving slowly. The next thing they know, they can hear something moving near them.

Does Bernice Need Glasses? ?

Bernice is not very happy as she walks home with Ethan. He asks her why she has a frown on her face, and she explains. When Bernice gets into the house, she talks to Papa Bear about her day, and she realizes that it wasn’t such a bad day after all.

Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.2 ✨

Nicole’s mother is upset when she sees Nicole coming from the old barn, where she asks her not to go. Nicole wants to return and see those magical things in the chest again. When she returns to the barn, the cloak, the key, the mirror, and the compass are exactly as she left them. The thing that has caught her attention is the packet of seeds. Could the seeds really be magic?

The Magical Book of Dreams P.30

Ester and Araya have found the path to the castle with the help of the Luninae. They are waiting until dark before they leave. Will Ester’s father be in the castle? Will they be able to get into the castle to find him?

Bernice’s Friend Gertrude Gets Teased ?

Bernice is home, and it is a very rainy, wet day. After she gets undressed and goes to the kitchen, Papa Bear wonders why she looks so glum. As they talk about her day and everything that happened, Bernice tells Papa Bear about the new friends she made at school. 

Nicole And The Box In The Barn ✨

Nicole has moved to a new house far away from all of her friends, and she is not very happy. The new house is an old farmhouse, and her mom loves it, but Nicole can’t believe her mom brought her here. The old house is so boring; the only interesting thing about her new place is an old barn, but her mom has told her she is not allowed to go inside.

Sarah and Sparkie Meet The Storyteller Tree ?

Sarah cannot believe the picture her mother hung in the dining room is real. When Sparkie introduces himself, Sarah pinches herself to see if she is dreaming. Sparkie asks Sarah if she believes in magic, and when she says yes, they go outside for their first adventure.

The Magical Book of Dreams P.29

Ester and Araya arrived in the cave and were greeted by creatures they had never seen before. When they realize that the creatures mean no harm but are here to help Ester in her quest, they ask them many questions. As they exit the caves and see the castle where Ester’s father is held, they devise a plan to help Ester and Araya get past the guards. 

Bernice’s Cookie Taste Test ?

It is Saturday, and Bernice has a very busy day planned. She walks with Mama and then comes home to eat some Honey Cakes before heading to Ethan’s Grandmother’s house to play with Legos. Bernice comes home for lunch before she heads over to Gertrude’s to watch a movie, and Papa Bear says he needs her help with something.

The Mystery of the Vanishing Books ?

Milton is a boy who loves to read more than anything else. In his room, there are shelves full of books all over the walls, and he is already looking for a place to put another. As Milton finishes his latest book and sets it aside, thinking about which shelf to put it on, he notices that one of his books is missing. The next day, two more are missing; what is happening?

Bernice Has Too Much Homework ?

Bernice comes home and says she has no time to do anything but work on her homework. She tells Papa Bear she has so much homework that she is not even sure she’ll have time to eat. Papa Bear asks her to take a breath and sit down, and then they look at her homework together to see what all the fuss is about.

The Magical Book of Dreams P.28

Ester and Araya have come so far. When they reached the Summit, Ester had her vision. They have no time to wait and enjoy the magic of the area. They can see where Ester’s father is imprisoned. Now, they need to get there. Will it be as easy as Ester thinks it will be?

Sarah Meets Sparkie the Dragon ?

Sarah is incredibly curious about the world around her, always asking questions and wanting to learn more. As she works on some art for school, her mother hangs a new painting she bought, and Sarah notices something interesting. The painting is of a Dragon, and she is sure she sees it moving out of the corner of her eye. Can a dragon in a painting move?

Bernice Wants To Give Bobby A Valentine ?

Bernice is already thinking about Valentine’s Day and what she wants to do for her friend Bobby. She talks to Papa Bear, and they make a plan for after school, but when Bernice gets home, her plans have changed. Will there be cookies in the plan?

The Magical Book of Dreams P.27

Ester wakes up in pain after a night’s sleep on the rocks. She and Araya still need to get to the top of the summit, but the path is getting narrower, and even the air is thinner. Ester dreams about the summit and has an idea of what to expect when she arrives, but when they finally arrive, she is even surprised by what happens.

Bernice Makes Dumplings ?

Bernice gets home early because the weather is going to make it unsafe for travel, and school is let out early. She and Ethan are walking home from the bus and Ethan invites her over to play Legos sometime. When Bernice arrives home, she wonders why she cannot smell any cookies baking and asks Papa Bear if they are having a different kind of snack that day.

The Magical Book of Dreams P.26

Ester and Araya have made it across the bridge only to find themselves trapped by Scalix and Chickalores. They cannot go back across the bridge and the way forward is blocked by the creatures. The light from Ester’s bag is glowing brighter and brighter, can it help them to get out of this situation?

The Duck Who Wanted to Be A Ballerina ?

Our story is about a Duck who wants to become a ballerina. Daphne was getting older and was allowed to choose which activity she wanted to do this time. She knew what she would choose. The day finally came to go and register and when she arrived in the kitchen in her tutu her mother and brother didn’t think dance was the best choice for her.

Bobby’s New Invention P.2 ?

When Bobby went to his room to work on his time machine, he didn’t really expect it would work. After talking to Bernice, he tinkered some more, and then when he pushed the button, something amazing happened. Will Bobby get to travel back in time as he told Bernice? Will he get in trouble?

The Magical Book of Dreams P.25

Ester is tired, and so is Araya. They are walking through the canyons, and the path is very difficult. Ester is leading, and this is the first time that Araya is the one to say they need to stop. When they stop, Ester realizes that she is very thirsty and hungry. She eats and drinks and understands this is her chance to be the leader. Where will she take them?

Bobby’s New Invention ?

It is a snow day, and Bernice and Bobby will not get a chance to play together due to the bad weather. They chat on their pads and discuss their plans for the day. Bernice and Bobby both have great ideas for what they want to do on their snow day, but when Bobby gets started on his idea, it doesn’t go quite as he had planned. What could have gone wrong?

The Magical Book of Dreams P.24

After finding the small, beautiful clearing, Ester and Araya sleep; when Ester is woken up, Araya tells her she has been sleeping like a rock and that she has been trying to wake her for quite a while. Ester tells her that she thinks her dream didn’t want her to wake up and was trying to tell her something. What could her dream have been wanting to say to her?

Bernice Doesn’t Have Resolutions This Year ?

It’s the new year, and Bernice is back at school. She is happy to see her friends and teachers and play in the snow. When she gets home, she smells something super yummy and talks to Papa Bear all about her day at school. Did you make any resolutions this year?

Puddles and Splash Have A Strange Visitor ??

Puddles and Splash are back, and it is a beautiful, sunny winter day, and the animals are being let outside. Splash and Puddles will do their rounds as Farmer Vernon has kept the area shovelled. As they walk, they see an unusual set of footprints and decide to follow them to see who has come to visit. What could make these footprints? Some of the animals think it might be aliens.

Blaze and Max ??

Blaze is a cat who likes to spend time alone. He was happy living outside by himself and eating what he could find. Then, one day, someone picked him up and took him to a place with other cats and dogs. He thought it was awful. Then, one day, someone came and took him to a new place; it wasn’t a new house, but it was new to Blaze. Blaze and his owner got along well, and Blaze loved exploring the house at night once his owner was asleep. It was so quiet until one night when Blaze heard a new sound.

Blinky has Stinky Breath P.2 ?

Blinky and his friends are getting ready to go on their adventure to the pet store. Doo Doo still needs to tell Blinky why they are going, and after he does, Blinky realizes he never knew but understands now why his family took him to see so many doctors. When they arrive at the pet store, they find the cure but don’t get away so easily. 

Boo-Boo and Kai-Kai Help Runecliff ?

Bernice and Papa Bear’s bellies are full of all the delicious food they had at dinner, and they talk about how lucky they are to have so much delicious food to eat. It has been a while since Papa Bear shared a story with Boo-boo and Kai-kai. What adventure will they share? Will there be tasty, sweet treats? 

Blinky has Stinky Breath P.1 ?

Bernice Loves the Holiday Season is a story about Bernice and her family and how they make the season special. Bernice wakes up and is very excited. Is today the day? When she realizes there is still one more day, she heads downstairs to see what is for breakfast. Bernice notices a lot of food and toys and asks Papa Bear what they are for. Papa Bear explains, and Bernice has an opportunity to help Papa Bear and Mama Bear celebrate in a new way.

The Magical Book of Dreams P.23

After receiving her message from the Lake and heading out the next day, Ester is unsure what to expect. When they see the beginnings of the mist in the distance, they pause, take a deep breath and continue on their way. Araya asks Ester to lead the way, which is unusual, but Araya cannot see the map, so she doesn’t know which way to go. Ester does her best to lead them toward the Veil of the Mists, and when it is time to find a place to rest for the night, they both get a surprise.

Bernice and Bobby go to a movie ?

It is Saturday, and Bernice is super excited. She and Bobby plan on seeing the new Dinosaur Superhero movie but forgot to ask Papa and Mama if she could go, and now she is worried they might say no. She talks to Papa Bear, and he says he’ll call Bobby’s parents to see what the plans are.

Margherita and the Christmas Tree ?

Margherita, our pizza-loving cat, is back. Libby has just arrived home from school and is freezing. She doesn’t like snow and is still not used to it since the place they lived before didn’t have snow. Margherita greets her at the door, butting her head until she touches the white stuff, then runs off to hide. Margherita still loves pizza as much as before, so this year, Libby bought some new ornaments for their tree. They are pizza-shaped. I hope Margherita likes them.

Bernice Learns About Viruses ?

Bernice has had a good day at school and even did better standing in front of the class reading a story. But she tells Papa she felt lonely. Bobby, Gertrude, and many of her friends were at home sick with colds. Bernice asks Papa Bear why viruses can’t leave us alone. She doesn’t like her friends being as uncomfortable as she was when she had a cold. She and Papa Bear talk about viruses and why we get them.

The Magical Book of Dreams P.22

Araya and Ester have escaped from the Scalix and Chickalores and reached a lake. After sliding down the cliff, Ester asks Araya why the creatures won’t come near the lake. Araya doesn’t know, but as they near the lake, the map starts to glow again, and Ester sees something that leaves her unsure of what they need to do next.

Bernice Has A Storm Day ?

Bernice is very excited about all the things she is going to do at school today. She sets her alarm but never needs it actually to wake up. Now Cookie helps her wake up in the morning, but usually, she can get up alone. When Papa Bear comes in to tell her that she is not going to school, Bernice is a bit disappointed.

The Magical Book of Dreams P.21

In this chapter, Ester and Tenton have met Araya and then Ester and Araya started on their way to the Whispering Glade. The map is showing Ester the way but she doesn’t understand where they are going or why. Araya leads them along and then suddenly they are being chased. Araya and Ester run and try to get away from what is chasing them. Will they be able to outrun them?

Rowan and the Great Animal Rescue ?

Set in the small town of Maple Ridge, Canada, this story follows the bold and spirited Susan and her loyal dog, Buddy, as they embark on a mission to save the local animal shelter’s animals. Will they get there before the mean businessman Murphy? With over fifty dogs and cats, If they do save them, where will all the animals stay?

Bernice and Papa Bear Bake Cookies ?

Bernice zooms into the house, super excited to tell Papa Bear all about her Math Test. But wait! What’s that yummy smell? Oh, it’s cookies baking in the oven! Yum! Papa Bear asks Bernice if she can help him to bake some cookies to share and she says of course. After they look for all the ingredients they get started making them. The special cookie recipe they’re using is in the show notes, so you can make these super yummy cookies too!

Red Velvet Delight Chocolate Chip Cookies


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup white sugar
1 large egg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon red food colouring
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup white chocolate chips


– Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
– In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
– In a large bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until creamy and fluffy.
– Add the egg, vanilla extract, and red food coloring to the butter mixture and beat until well combined.
– Gradually mix in the dry ingredients until just combined.
– Stir in the semi-sweet and white chocolate chips.
– Drop spoonfuls of the cookie dough onto the prepared baking sheet, spacing them about 2 inches apart.
– Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the edges are set but the centers are still soft.
– Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely

The Magical Book of Dreams P.20

Ester and Tenton quickly left the camp when the Chickalores appeared, heading off to follow the map from the book. Ester was surprised to learn that only she could see the map – when she asked Gimball and Araya about it, they couldn’t see anything! This secret made Ester realize that she was chosen by magic. Whenever the book warmed up and glowed, she checks the map to see where their next adventure will take them. What do you think they will find on their journey?

Pancake The Collie Struggles At School ?

Pancake is a dog that loves running, running, and learning outside. His mom and dad think it is time he went to regular school, and today is his first day. When he arrives at the school, he thinks it looks like a castle. When he arrives at his classroom, his teacher tells him to take a seat; he knows this will not go well.

Bobby Builds A Robot That Farts ?

Bobby is very excited about the science project that he has decided to make. The teacher said they should build something that reflects what they have learned. Bobby realizes that they haven’t learned much about Robots yet but he has a great idea that he is sure he can build. He calls Bernice to chat about it and she listens to his idea and wonders if he can get it finished in time.

Bernice Needs To Get Her Picture Taken ?

Bernice is playing snowballs with Ethan when she runs in to ask Papa Bear if she can play outside for a bit longer before coming in. When she gets inside, she is soaking wet, so she gets dried off, changes her clothes, and settles down to talk to Papa Bear about her day at school. Papa Bear and Bernice talk about her day and the things that happened, and then Bernice says she has a problem….

The Magical Book of Dreams P.19

The adventure continues. Ester is in trouble because the chickalores seem to be after her, so she has to go away quickly. Gimbal wishes they had more time together, but it’s not safe. As they leave, Tenton, who is helping Ester, seems to know her, which is strange. Ester is curious, thinking, “How does Tenton know me when I just got here?”

The Magical Book of Dreams P.18

Voices waked Ester. She got up to go and see what all the noise was about. One of the guards has been attacked by a chickalore, and Gimbal is surprised; they are not usually like this. Ester finally gets back to sleep, and when she wakes up the following day, she and Gimbal chat. Ester wants to ask questions, but the time has come for her to act. When the Magical Book starts glowing again, she knows it is time to go.

Jake’s New Neighbours Really Are Vampires

Jake is so tired. He is busy swimming and is having a hard time sleeping because he would rather watch his favourite show. When Jake wakes up during the night, he sees shadows on the wall and hears strange noises, 2 a.m. What is going on? He gets back to sleep, but on the third night of hearing the sounds and seeing the shadows, he has a plan. He is going to sneak out of the house and get proof. Jake will finally prove to his family that his neighbours are vampires.

Papa Bear Tells Bernice Another Not-So-Spooky Story?

It was going to be a spooky day at school, and Bernice was super excited. The kids were dressing up and having a party. Bernice finishes her costume and takes a picture with Cookie to show her friends. When she gets ready for bed, she asks Papa Bear to tell her a spooky story but to make sure it is not too spooky as it is time for her to go to sleep, and she is tired. Papa Bear says okay and starts his story.

The Magical Book of Dreams – P17 ?

Ester has finally met Gimbal. With Araya’s help, she got to the new camp safely, but then Araya had to leave quickly to see Eliza. Ester goes inside Gimbal’s tent and finds out he has met her father. She can’t believe she’s really talking to Gimbal and that he knows her father. Ester has a big question she wants to ask him, but she’s nervous about what he might say. What could that question be?

Cookie Helps Bernice Learn About Empathy ?

Bernice loves her cat Cookie very much and is excited to tell her friends about her. When she gets home from school, she tells Papa Bear that something happened at school when she was telling her friends all about Cookie. The new boy could have been nicer. Bernice and Papa Bear discussed what happened and how Bernice handled the situation.

The Magical Book of Dreams – P16 ?

Ester and Araya have made it to the top of the bluff and can see the settlement on the other side but there is a problem. There is someone standing in their way. Araya tells Ester not to worry so much and starts down towards the figure. Once they have gotten past the figure they meet Gimbal and Ester is left to talk with him while Araya is needed elsewhere.

The Magical Book of Dreams – P15 ?

Ester and Araya have been walking for what feels like forever when Araya finally agrees to let Ester take a break. Ester doesn’t understand why Araya speaks to her the way she does, but they talk a little as they rest; Araya seems to relax a bit. When they start up again, they continue talking, but when Araya suddenly stops, Ester knows something must be wrong. There is no one there, and now they need to find out where they went and why.

Little Timmy and Tinkle Travel to the Library P.3 ?

Timmy’s still got a big adventure ahead: he’s racing to the library! With his trusty pony, Tinkle, and a bag of snacks from kind Miss Elara, they race towards BarleyBrook. The journey’s much longer than he thought. Will they make it to the library before the sun sets?

Papa Bear Has A Surprise ?

Bernice has a surprise to share with Papa Bear. She runs into the house, super excited to tell him all about it. Papa Bear says he also has a surprise. They have some cookies and talk about Bernice’s surprise and her day, and then Bernice remembers that Papa Bear also had a surprise for her. What could it be?

The Magical Book of Dreams – P14 ?

Ester is quickly following Araya on the path. After one short night at Eliza’s cottage, Ester feels that she has not had a chance to have any of her questions answered. Araya doesn’t want to talk, and Ester has so many questions. As they finally rest, Ester asks some questions, and Araya finally gives her a few words.

Greta and Oscar Discover the Bubblegum Tree

Greta is a young girl who loves her routine and predictability. She enjoys waking up, grumbling about the bird and eating cereal while dancing. Greta and Oscar, her dog, head out to the backyard, Greta’s second favourite place, when Greta sees something there that she has never seen before. A new tree with bubbles on it. Where did this come from?

Little Timmy and Tinkle Travel to the Library ?

Timmy is a small boy who lives with his Grandpa and loves to read. He has some books in his house but has read them all before. He loves going to the grocery store to read while his grandpa shops. One day, his Grandpa takes him to see the ponies that will be in the circus, and Timmy gets to ride Tinkle. He had a wonderful time and can’t wait to ride again, but Timmy, more than anything, wants to go to the library, but his Grandpa has no time to take him. How can he get there?

Boo-Boo And Kai-Kai Visit The Whispering Tree ?

Bernice is getting ready for bed and tells Papa Bear that she made a mistake. Papa Bear tries to discover the mistake, and then they talk about what happened. Bernice says she is tired and asks Papa Bear for a short story. Papa Bear decides to tell her a story about Boo-Boo and Kai-Kai visiting the Whispering Tree.

Pixel Wants To Make Video Games ?

Pixel is a Labrador, but not like any other. Though he is tiny and enjoys playing with all the other dogs, it is not the same. Pixel’s parents always watch out for him and sometimes even suggest he stay home so he won’t get hurt. One day, he does just that and finds something amazing in the basement.

The Transfer Student – Red Must Move To Earth

This is the second in our series of Red’s life on Mars before she went to live on Earth. When Red gets home, she cannot believe what her parents say. Are they moving to Earth? Why? Who would want to live on Earth? It’s all green and blue—Red must think of a way to make her family stay.

Bernice’s First Day Back To School ?

This is Bernice’s first day back to school and she is worried. Papa Bear goes upstairs to look for her and she is in bed with the covers over her head. Bernice has lots of “what ifs” for Papa Bear and he reminds her that she is strong, brave, and capable. Papa Bear is waiting to hear about her day when she gets home.

The Transfer Student – Red on Mars

Red is so annoyed by Blue and gets saved by a message on the wall pad. Red loves living on Mars, all the grey and colours around, as long as there is no blue or green like on Earth. Why is everyone talking about Earth? She never wants to go there. Red meets her friend Lyria at one of their favorite spots and they get a drink but when Lyria tells Red her family has won the lottery and they are going to Earth, Red cannot believe it. Why would anyone want to go to Earth?

Puddles and Splash: The Mystery of the Missing Apples P.3 ??

Puddles and Betsy have gone to look for the apple trees that Betsy remembers seeing as she was wandering over to Farmer Vernon’s farm. As they arrive, Puddles hears some noises, but Betsy thinks it may be just the wind. They start eating apples when Puddles hears the noise again and turns around. Foxes and raccoons surround them, and they don’t look happy.

Puddles and Splash: The Mystery of the Missing Apples P.2 ??

Puddles and Splash are near the apple trees with Betsy and Bubbles. No one knows what happened to all the apples that are usually there for the animals to eat. Splash can smell tracks from foxes and raccoons, but those two animals never do anything together. Splash, Puddles, and Betsy plan what they will do the next day to try and figure out what happened to all the apples.

Bernice Is Anxious About The New School Year ?

Summer is almost over, and Bernice is feeling nervous and anxious about going back to school. She is thinking about all the new things that the teacher talked about, and she is not sure what will happen. There is even a chance that she and Bobby will not be in the same classes. Bernice wakes during the night and talks to Papa Bear about these feelings and how to deal with them.

Puddles and Splash: The Mystery of the Missing Apples ??

Puddles and Splash are back, and it looks like it will be a beautiful day on the farm. It has been raining so much that everyone is very excited to see the sun and can’t wait to get outside. Puddles and Splash head off to do their rounds and check on the stream. On their way back, they see Bubbles, the cow, running towards them, and they wonder what could have happened.

Bernice and Papa Bear Talk About Cats ?

Bernice has been at Bobby’s house playing. When she gets home, she smells cookies and calls to Papa Bear. She puts her stuff down, closes the door and heads to the kitchen. When Papa Bear sees her, he says she should get cleaned up before she has her snack. When Bernice is finished, she goes down for her snack and asks Papa Bear if he and Mama Bear have had a chance to talk about Bernice getting a cat. Papa Bear says yes, they have talked about it.

Fred and the Raccoon ?

Fred finally got the home and space he had always wanted. He works on his gardens and house and has everything orderly and neat until one morning, he takes his coffee outside to sit in his favourite chair and notices some trash blowing around. How could this be?

Bernice and Papa Bear Discuss Summer ?

Bernice is very excited and can’t wait for her day to begin. She wakes Papa Bear at 5 am, but he tells her he needs another 30 minutes and will make her breakfast. When Papa Bear comes down, he asks Bernice why she is so excited about today. They talk about what Bernice has done already this summer and would still like to do.